
31 March 2013

Sustainable Expectations: An Interior Perspective


As you all know, I am a serious advocate of SUSTAINABILITY in Interior Design.

Recently, I have been reading in various publications that sustainability is a trend and not very important to consumers here in the United States.  It made me sad to read this, but it has given me even more impetus to always include sustainability in my design projects.  Living here in Hawai'i, where we are always so close to nature, one realizes that we are all connected to everything here on this planet.  

This week, I came across an article entitled: Sustainable Expectations: An Interior Perspective, by  , Interior Design Source.

In the article, it discusses Sustainability in Australia:

“The ‘trend’ face of sustainability at its most accessible is up-cycling because the concept of reuse is becoming more and more important to consumers whose focus has shifted from brand new and replaceable pieces to one off or hand made pieces,” Palmer explains.  

Darren Palmer, Designer. Image Courtesy The Interiors Addict

Green Interior Design is basis of my work and, while writing this blog entry, it brings to mind  my favorite quote and life mantra which is so dear to my heart:

"You must be the change you want to see in the world.” 
                                                                    - Mahatma Ghandi

Do you feel that sustainability is a passing trend?

What is the view of sustainability in your country?

Please share!!!

25 March 2013

A Great Reused Item | End Grain Flooring


In my earlier post entitled -  A Great Example of a Loving Restoration, I mentioned that I received a great comment from Kristi Nelson at KM NELSON DESIGN on my blog entry entitled RENOVATE AND BE KIND TO THE EARTH.  She suggested using costly pieces such as wood floors, doors, window, etc. from homes that are being renovated or demolished.  Reusing these kinds of items are so great for the environment and the pocketbook!!!!

Last week, I found a great example of reused wood paired with brick to create a beautiful floor on HOUZZ.COM.

Here is the photo:

Have you found any great items that can be reused in a design or remodeling project?

Please share!!!!

- Eddy

11 March 2013

Necessity is the Mother of INVENTION


I live in a 1 bedroom in-law cottage here in Honolulu with my partner and our 1 1/2 year old Jack Russell, Keona.  I love our little house and I am finally ready to decorate.  I have decided on minimalistic approach due to the fact that our house is so small and too many things will make it feel even smaller.

I was reading the article below on HOUZZ.COM and realized that I made the right decision!!!

I will definitely let you know how my design project is going here in my litte house!

What would be your ideas for designing a small space?

Let us know!!!!